Meisel lab
Hinterleitner lab
Open Positions
Lab Alumni
Principal Investigator
Reinhard opened his Lab in 2018 in the Department of Immunology at the University of Pittsburgh
Senior Research Scientist
Surya joined the lab in 2019. Surya is involved in pretty much every project in the lab.
Postdoctoral fellow
Ariadna joined the lab in 2022. Ariadna studies human colonizing protists in IBD
Graduate Student
Edith started in the lab in 2024. Edith is working on projects related to Tritrichomonas and oral tolerance
Lab Manager
Lee joined the lab in 2018. Lee manages the Hinterleitner & Meisel Labs to ensure high productivity.
Graduate student
Halah joined the lab in 2024. Halah is working on prjects related to Tritrichomonas, IBD and cancer
Luzmariel joined the lab in 2021. Luzmariel works on projects related to Tritrichomonas and oral tolerance